Ethan Hawke for The Rake /
Photographer Charlie Gray @charliegraystudio /
Stylist Grace Gilfeather @gracegilfeather /
Groomer Melissa Dezarte @melissa.dezarte /
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Photographer Charlie Gray @charliegraystudio /
Stylist Grace Gilfeather @gracegilfeather /
Groomer Melissa Dezarte @melissa.dezarte /
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Photographer Natth @natth_j /
Stylist Mac Huelster @mac_huelster /
Makeup Raisa Flowers @raisaflowers /
Hair Junya Nakashima @junyahair /
Casting Christian Meshesha @cmeshesh /
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Photographer Billy Kidd @billykiddstudio /
Styling Fabio Immediato @fabioimmediato /
Editor in Chief Alessandro Calascibetta @alecalascibetta /
Grooming Jessica @jessica_0_ /
Interview Valentina Ravizza and Heather McDevitt @valeravi @heathernmcdevitt /
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Photographer Billy Kidd @billykiddstudio /
Styling Andrew Mukamal @andrewmukamal /
Grooming Benjamin Thigpen @benjaminthigpen /
Set Design Michael Sturgeon @mishkabeluga /
Creative Direction Nick Sullivan @nicksullivanesq /
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Photographer Carlotta Kohl @carlottakohlphoto /
Stylist Ryan Young @cryoungin /
Hair Ben Skervin @benskervin /
Makeup Kale Teter @kaleteter /
Manicurist Shirley Cheng @shirleychengmanicurist /
Casting Lauren Tabach-Bank @laurentabach /
Tailor Matthew Reisman @matthewreisman /
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Photographer Collier Schorr @collierschorrstudio /
Hair Holli Smith @hollismithhead /
Make-up Mark Carrasquillo @markcarrasquillo /
Nails Madeline Poole @mpnails /
Set Design Matt Jackson @mattjacksonmattjackson /
Lighting Design PJ Spaniol @pj3 /
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Photographer Lara Jade @larajadephotography/
Style Rebecca Dennett @rebeccadennett /
Hair Blake Erik @blakeerik /
Makeup Soo Park @sooparkmakeup /
Editor Phebe Wahl @phebewahl /
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Photographer Caroline Tompkins @cahlinetompkins /
Style Alex Badia @theAlexBadia /
Hair Ben Skervin @benskervin @thewallgroup /
Makeup Quinn Murphy @quinnmurphy @walterschupfermanagement /
Nails Mamie Onishi @nailsbymamie @seemanagement /
Senior market editor Emily Mercer @elmercer /
Senior market editor, accessories: Thomas Waller @twallz21 /
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Photographer Grace Yasemin Watson @gracegem /
Art Direction Base Design @base_design /
Prop Stylist Maja Secerov #MajaSecerov /
Stylist Tom So @sothatstom /
Assistant Duncan Mellor @duncanmellor /
Assistant Tatum Mangus @tatummangus /
Production Gabriela Ramos @gabrielaramos /
Talent Heroes @heroesmodels /
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Photographer Pegah Farahmand @pegahfarah /
Style Vittoria Cerciello @vittoriacerciello /
Hair Tamara McNaughton @tamaramcnaughton /
Make up Yumi Lee @yumilee_mua /
Manicure Mayumi Abuku @maymisan /
Casting Anita Elizabeth Bitton @bitton @establishmentny /
Talent Tasha Tilberg @tasha_tilberg, Emmi Freeman @emmifreeman, Ylang Messenguiral @ylangmess /
Production @artproduction__ /
Set Whitney Hellesen @whitneyhellesen /
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Photographer Andy Jackson @anndyjackson /
Style Aryeh Lappin @aryehlappin /
Hair + satin bow cap Cody Ainey @codyaainey /
Make-up Shyanna @shyannalundi /
Nails Nori @nailnori /
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Photographer Stini Roehrs @stiniroehrs /
Stylist Bárbara Vélez @barbbvelez /
Editor in Chief Antonio Moscogiuri @antoniomoscogiuri /
Casting Director Conan Laurendot @conanlaurendot /
Hair Dre Demry-Sanders @dre_on_hair /
Make up Jezz Hill @jezzhill /
Producer Mara MacEwan @maraleibrock /
Production coordination Emma Sargent @emma.cs /
Set Designer Rebecca Ilse @reebeccailse /
Retouch and post production Studio RM @studio__rm /
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Photographer Victoria Stevens @vsteves /
Creative director Ryan Lucca @ryanlucca /
Stylist Nata Bocha @iamnatabocha /
Styling assistant Alena Alifiruk @_mroya_ /
Assistant Ross Zavoyna @rossthomas /
Groomer Nicole Elle King @nicoleellemakeup /
Producer Jennifer Rovero @camraface /
Production Early Morning Riot @earlymorningriot /
Editor Timi Letonja @timiletonja /
Interview Jana Letonja @janaletonja /
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Photographer Bec Parsons @bec_parsons /
Style Natasha Royt @natasharoyt @artandcommerce /
Hair Jenny Kim @jennykim__ /
Make up Ingeborg @ingmakeup /
Manicurist Nori @nailnori /
Fashion Assistant Nathan Watson @nthnwtsn /
Casting Kin @kincasting /
Production Noted Collective @noted.collective /
Executive producer Anastasia Suchkov @ana.stass /
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Photographer/Creative Director Dillon Matthew @dillonmatthewc /
Style Wojciech Christopher Nowak @wojciechchristophernowak /
Groomer Alex Keating /
Editorial Director Charlotte Morton @charlottejmorton /
Editor Ella West @ellaxwest /
Art Director Harry Conor @Harry_conor /
Production Director Ben Crank @bencrankbencrank /
Producer Isabella Coleman @isabellacoleman_ /
Photo Assistant Maddie Young @madelisey /
Fashion Assistant Annette @annetworth /
Photography Jesper Lund @jesperdlund /
Styling Marissa Baklayan @marissabaklayan /
Set Design Jordan Mixon /
Hair Kiyonori Sudo @kyo_sud /
MUA Dan Duran @danduran__ /
Talent King, Yan and Diego @k1ng.abdo @yan___li @d1egoandrade /
Production Peter Schwab @peterschwab_ /
Production Manager Christine Carreira /
Casting /
DP Michel Sayegh @michelsgh /
Talent Yun Gao @yun_gao /
Style Matt Rossi @matttrossi /
Hair Tomoko Kuwamura @tomokokuwamura1207 /
Make-up Tanya Marques @tanyagmarques /
Backdrop Fly High Studio @flyhigh_studio__ /
Talent Cearah Peck @cccearah /
Make-up Alex Levy @skinbyalex /
Set design Alice Martinelli @alicemartinellli /
Special thanks to @famefamefamephoto /
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Photographer Nick Thompson @nickthompsonstudio /
Talent Hanne Gaby Odiele @hannegabysees /
Fashion Direction Oliver Volquardsen @oliver_volquardsen /
Hair Hoji Ichikawa @koji_ichikawa @distinctartists /
Make-up Rose Grace @rosegracemua @bryantartists /
Production Alexandra Georgette Oley @alexandra_georgette_oley /
Post production Colorworkz @colorworkz /
Photography assistant Ernesto Urdaneta @efactor1 /
Editor Timi Letonja @timiletonja /
Interview Anano Shalamberidze @underdressedkid /
Cover design Arthur Roeloffzen @arthurroeloffzen /
Model Agency @thesquadmanagement /
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Photographer Charlie Engman @charlieengman /
Stylist Roberto Johnson @itsrobertojohnson /
Makeup Nina Carelli @nina_carelli_ /
Hair Kazuka Tahira @kazukatahira /
Set Design Priscilla Jeong @priscillajeong /
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Photographer Su Mustecaplioglu @sumustecaplioglu /
Styling Caitlin Burke @caitlinburkenyc /
Makeup Yuko Kawashima @yukokawashima_mua /
Talent Awar Mou @cute_cent_ /
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Photographer Jacq Harriet @jacqharriet /
Stylist Scott Shapiro @scottshapiro_ /
Hair Anton Alexander @_antonalexander /
Makeup Shayna Gold @shaynagold /
Casting Olivier Duperrin @olivier_duperrin_casting /
Talent Alay and Matthew @alayy.y @matthew17342 /
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Photographer Zoe Ghertner @zoeghertner /
Styling Camilla Nickerson #CamillaNickerson /
Hair Jawara @jawaraw /
Makeup Fara Homidi @farahomidi /
Set Design Mila Ty @mila_ty /
Casting Jess Hallett @jesshallettcast /
Production AP Studio Inc. @apstudioinc /
Talent Saskia de Brauw, Moses Battiest, and Cranston @saskiadebrauw @donotperceiveme @bonelocks /
Photographer Cruz Valdez @cruzcvaldez /
Stylist Patti Wilson @patti_wilson /
Hair Sonny Molina @sonnymolinahair /
Makeup KUMA @kuma1206 /
Manicurist Dawn Sterling @nailglam /
Casting Morgan Senesi @morgansenesi /
Production Heather Robbins and Mary Goughnour @marygoughnour /
Photographer Levi Walton @levi___walton /
CD Teneshia Carr @teneshiacarr /
Fashion Editor Oliver Vaughn @oliver_vaughn /
Makeup Aya Tariq @ayatariqmua /
Hair Jason Murillo @jasonmurillohair /
Set Design Pablo Olguin @eyypablo /
Talent Casting Sarah Dibona @sarahdibona /
Photo Assistant Glenn Jongseok Lim @glenn__jongseoklim /
Dev and post @phtsdr /
Photographer Liz Collins @lizcollinsphotographer /
Stylist Soraya Dayani @soraya_dayani /
Hair Tina Outen @tinadidit /
Makeup Frankie Boyd @frankieboyd /
Photographer Samuel Bradley @samuelbradley /
Art direction Lucie Gris @luciegris /
Hair Lizzie Arneson @lizziearneson /
Make up Allie Smith @alliesmithmakeup /
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Photographer Ana Kraš @teget /
Stylist Marion Jolivet @marionjolivet /
Creative Director Maryam Nassir Zadeh @maryam_nassirzadeh /
Talent Hailey Gates @haileybentongates, Prisca Franchetti @priscavera, Susan Cianciolo @5th_dimensional_plain_, Tess Cetin @tesssahara, Thistle Brown @thistlebrown /
Photography by Carlotta Manaigo /
Models – Andre Feulner & Briar Montana /
Styled by Haidee Finlay Levin /
Groomed by Dennis Devoy /
photography Charlie Engman /
producer Matthew Youmans /
styling Kate Young /
model Najiah Imani /
make up ayami Nishimura /
hair Yoichi Tomizawa /
Photography Philipp Paulus – @philipppaulus
Styling Mackenzie Thiry – @mackmackmack
Set design Jocelyn Cabral – @jocelynscabral
Talent Kitty Hayes – @kitty_hayes
Hiu Zhi Wei story for Surface Magazine /
Designer – Corinna LA /
Hair and Make up by Meg Kashimura /
Model – Elizabetha White @ Muse NY /
Photographer Zora Sicher @zorasicher /
Photo assistant Ashley Markle @filmmarkle /
Styling Dean DiCriscio @deandicriscio /
Hair Evanie Frausto @evaniefrausto /
Sasha Pirovarova for Numéro Tokyo /
Photography @zoeygrossman /
Styling @heathermaryjackson /
Hair @sylvia_wheeler /
Make up @lotstar /
Photographer @georgiadeveysmith /
Styling @carolinaorrico /
Hair @rubi_jones /
Make up @seongheeparkmakeup /
Set Design @laurenelizabethbahr /
Model @sean_levyy /
Photographer Robbie Fimmano /
styling Paul Sinclaire /
hair Tetsuya Yamakata /
make up Asami Matsuda /
photography Egor Tsodov /
styling Mar Peidro /
make up Kento Utsubo /
hair David Colvin /
Siki Im FW15 x Clayton Patterson /
Photographer _ Robert Hamada / Groomer _ Nate Rozenkranz / Videographer _ Dario Calmese / Assistant _ Anita Pierbon / Seamstress _ Soukhee Lee
photography by Kinya Ota /
styling by David Gomez-Villamediana /
hair by Andre Gunn /
make up by Kouta /
Photographer @nadyawasylko /
Stylist /
Hair @_sirsa_ /
Makeup @misha212 /
Talent @sophialillis /
Photographer @gillinagarcia /
Art Director @scottweststudio /
Designer @sophiebuhai /
Model @sylkegolding /
Photographer @maruteppei /
Hair @taichi424 /
Makeup @aiyokomizo /
Set design @alicemartinellli /
Model @sosokorell /
Styling by Nadia Rath /
Model – Dorota Kullova /
Hair by Felix Fischer /
Make up by Glenn Marziali /
Production by Beatrice Barkholz /
photography Luca Khoury /
styling Emily Mazur /
hair stylist Shin Arima /
make up artist Asami Taguchi /
set Danielle Selig /
casting Katie Lowe /
producer Leila Hartley /
Interview by Rachel Syme
photography – Daniel Riera
styling – Jasmine Hassett
make up – Kiki Gifford
Photographer @zposternak @tanyaposternak /
Stylist @akariendogaut /
Hair @edwardlampley /
Makeup @stevencanavanmakeup /
Models @blueaida @estellaboersma /
Photography by Roman Goebel /
Model Charlotte Carey /
Styled by Priscilla Kwateng /
Hair by Yukiko Tajima /
Rose Smith for WWD /
Photography by Billy Kidd /
Styling by Alex Badia x Mayte Allende
photography Alex Nataf /
clothing Protagonist /
styling Vanessa Traina /
design dir. Georgia Lazzaro /
editorial dir. Shley Helvey /
hair Tamara Mcnaughton /
make up Daniel Martin
Photographer @dannykasirye /
Design @jasonjeong /
Hair @meg829 /
Make up @meg829 /
Model @haydenmullikin /
Photographer Natth @natth_j
Stylist Mac Huelster @mac_huelster
Makeup Raisa Flowers @raisaflowers
Hair Junya Nakashima @junyahair
Casting Christian Meshesha @cmeshesh
Photography @jkursel /
Styling @scottshapiro_ /
Hair @thewholearthcatalogue /
MakeUp @reitajima /
Model @joe.apollonio @angeschhh /
Photography by Roe Ethridge /
Models – Greta Varlese & Fernanda Ly /
Styling by Camille Bidault Waddington /
Make up – Sil Bruinsma /
Hair – Rudi Lewis /
Photographer @paolakudacki /
Styling @patrickmackieinsta /
Hair @evaniefrausto @jacobrozenberg /
Makeup @georgisandev /
Model @varshathapa @tiannastlo @gracebol /
Photo Assistant @just_dropped_in /
Hair Stylist @tasha_worldofstyles /
Fashion editor @samiranasr /
Talent Emily Kasten @emilykasten /
Hair Tamas Tuzes @tamastuzes /
Photo Assistant Spencer Ostrander @spencerostrander /
Photography – Kinya Ota
Styling – Connie Berg & Aziza Yesmaganbetova
Photography by Hiu Zhi Wei /
Styling by Darren Jay /
Hair by Matthew Tuozzoli /
Grooming by Hiro Yonemoto /
photography Richie Talboy
styling Vittoria Cerciello
make up Deanna Melluso
hair Joey George
model Hayett Mccarthy
set design Grants and Dolan
Cate Underwood for Design Scene /
Photography @andrewstinsonphoto_ /
Styling @jessmonterde /
Hair @claraleopard /
Makeup @deannamelluso
Photographer Judy Rogac @jodyrogac /
Styling Alicia Lombardini @alicialombardini /
Hair Rebekah Forecast @rebekahforecast /
Makeup Matin @itsmatin /
Prop Stylist Julia Wagner @frau.juliawagner /
Talent Cynthia Nixon @cynthiaenixon /
photography Sam Nixon /
styling Coquito Cassibba /
hair David Colvin /
make up Akiko Owada /
set design Jonathan Qualtere /
Photography Charlie Gray @charliegraystudio /
Styling Grace Gilfeather @gracegilfeather /
Grooming Melissa Dezarte @melissa.dezarte /
Jesse Eisenberg for AW 15 Issue of Fantastic Man /
Photographed by Collier Schorr /
Styled by Jodie Barnes /
Grooming by Laura De Leon /
Photographed by Kristian Schuller /
Styled by Peggy Schuller
Model – Veronika Vilim at Wilhelmina
Hair by Deycke Heidorn at L‘AtelierNYC
Make-Up: Steven Canavan at L‘AtelierNYC
Casting director: Andrea Deanesi at Broke Creatives
Producer: Beatrice Barkholz at Isabel Scharenberg
photography Charlie Engman /
styling Akeem Smith /
hair Tomi Kono /
make-up Seong Hee Park
photography Whitney Hayes /
styling Jessica Wu /
hair Wade Lee /
make up Lisa Campos /
Photography & Video by DANNY ROCHE
at VNY
photography Alexandra Nataf /
styling Lindsey Frugier /
make up Allie Smith /
hair David Colvin /
casting Megan McCluskie /
Photographer @jodyrogac /
Stylist @alex_jordan_harrington /
Hair @jimmypaulhair /
Make up @dickpageface /
Model @lovegrace_e /
Photography by Roe Ethridge /
Styling – Robbie Spencer /
Hair – James Pecis /
Set Design – Matt Jackson /
Thesis collection by Parsons Menswear student Shin Hee Kim /
Photographed by Damien Kim / features Gustaaf Wassink /
Hair: Yusuke Miura, Naomi Endo Using Bumble and bumble
Make-up: Satsuki Soma Using MAC COSMETICS
Photo Assistants: David Choi & Sang Soo Oh
photography Hao Zeng /
styling Ron Hartleben /
hair Mustafa Yanaz /
make up Deanna Melluso /
casting Ricky Michiels /
Photographer – Cedric Bihr /
Model – Hari Nef /
Stylist – Victoria Bartlett /
Hair Stylist – Neil Grupp /
Makeup Artist – Jen Myles /
Photography by Nick Hudson /
Produced by Mirham Ascensio /
Fashion Editor- Stylist Dianna Lunt /
Hair Stylist – Nicolas Eldin /
Make up – Cyntia Sobek /
Set Designer – Lauren Nikrooz /
Casting Director – Larissa Gunn /
photography Oliver Stalmans /
styling Anna Katsanis /
hair Leon Gorman /
make up Colleen Runne /
photography Zoe Grossman /
styling Anna Katsanis /
make up Mark Edio /
hair Linda Shalabi /
Photographer @bibicornejoborthwick /
Stylist @clarerichardson1 /
Hair @tomojidai /
Makeup @sallybranka /
photography Roman Goebel /
styling Priscilla Kwateng /
hair Takashi Yusa /
make up Deanna Melluso /
Paul Hameline photographed by Collier Schorr /
Styling by Alastair McKimm /
Hair by Rudi Lewis /
Make up by Georgi Sandev /
Anja Rubik photographed by Collier Schorr /
Styling by Alastair McKimm /
Hair by Rudi Lewis /
Make up by Georgi Sandev /
Photographer @tdnphoto /
Styling @aeriyun /
Hair @tuozzoli /
Makeup @maki_h /
Models @isabelle_aguirre @mona__offi /
photography by Carlotta Manaigo /
styling by Catherine Newell-Hanson /
hair by Tamas Tuzes /
make up by Ayamini Shimura /
Photography by Sloan Laurits /
Stying by Luca Galasso /
Make up by Grace Ahn /
Hair by Sirsa /
Styling by Lisa Jarvis /
Make up by Colleen Runne /
Hair styling by Clay Nielsen /
photography Alexandra Nataf /
styling NATAF Joaillerie /
make up Yacine Diallo /
hair David Colvin /
photography Daniel Shea /
styling LeeAnn Nicholl /
grooming Claudia Lake /
Photographer Jody Rogac @jodyrogac /
Stylist Malina Joseph @malinajoseph /
Hair Jonathan De Francesco @jondefranc /
Makeup Kiki Gifford @_kikigifford_ /
Photographer @yuliagorbachenko /
Stylist @ninasterghiou /
Hair @hairbytaku /
Makeup @stoj_makeupartist /
Model @katlinaas /
Photographer @d.picard /
Styling @julianaschiavinatto /
Hair @jeromehair /
Makeup @nicolasblanchett /
Model @lamekafox /
Photographer @camilafalquez /
Styling @yashuasimmons /
Grooming @kyo_sud /
Fashion assistant @julianmack /
Vogue Hommes International’s FW15 /
Xavier Buestel photographed by Collier Schorr /
Styled by Beat Bolliger /
Hair by Holli Smith /
Make up by Marla Belt /
Set design by Peter Klein /